"We do not provide birth control. We do not encourage birth control."

“We do not. We do not provide birth control, we do not encourage birth control.” These words were spoken last week by Gloria Singleton, Director of Beaufort’s Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC) - The Beaufort Women’s Center (Source). This Center is one of thousands of CPCS in the United States that do not offer “referral for birth control” (Source). Singleton said that abstinence is the “sole option for prevention” (Source), but yet the Center advertises as a place to go if you “think that you might be pregnant” (Source).
Therefore, it would seem that many of the clients coming to the Center for care are already sexually active. These women deserve to be provided with medically accurate reproductive health information that will help them prevent another unplanned pregnancy. We believe that abstinence should be considered first as a birth control method that prevents pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections with 100% certainty, but we also believe that females seeking reproductive health services should be informed about contraceptives and how to avoid an unplanned pregnancy if they choose to be sexually active.
In contrast, according to the Beaufort Gazette, “Singleton said her agency is largely opposed to Planned Parenthood, particularly when it comes to its belief that unwanted pregnancy could largely be reduced through comprehensive sex education and expanding access to contraception” (
Source). This is unfortunate considering the fact that Beaufort County is ranked 14th out of 46 counties in South Carolina for the number of teenage pregnancies (Source).
To learn more about Crisis Pregnancy Centers, read
CPCs: An Affront to Change.

1 comment:

Tell Them! said...

As a resident of Beaufort, I almost hope to meet Ms. Singleton someday, or at least just see her. What kind of person takes away choices, resources & options? Singleton also said “”Planned Parenthood makes it easy to get into certain behavior”. That’s a very negative and Scarlet Letter attitude– the chidren and people in Beaufort County are not Girls Gone Wild.

Comment by lisa — March 13, 2007 @ 3:07 pm

It’s sad when actions are simply penalized, or consequences are threatened. Instead of fighting the symptoms of the problem (unplanned pregnancies, early sexuality), what should be emphasized is how young people should make the choices that lead to these outcomes. With the knowledge to make intelligent decisions, there would be less pregnancies.
Preventing early sexuality in this culture is simply not feasible. What to do about unplanned pregnancies is highly contentious. The hardest road, teaching kids ALL the facts to make intelligent decisions… that might be the long road out.

Comment by KIP — March 16, 2007 @ 1:19 am