October 10, 2007

October is Let's Talk Month

October is Let’s Talk Month, a national public education campaign coordinated by Advocates For Youth. This month, organizations, schools, businesses, religious institutions and health providers will get together to plan activities that foster open dialogue about sexuality between parents and their children.
You may not have known, but most children receive their knowledge about sex from their parents. Even though parents are generally well-informed about sexuality, they often don’t know how to communicate their ideas effectively.
That’s why Advocates For Youth suggests that parents and legal guardians review a list of “Door Openers” and “Door Slammers” or ways to support or discourage those conversations.
The website also includes Messages Worth Repeating and activities you can participate in to acknowledge Let’s Talk Month.
If you’re a parent or guardian and you’re wondering what your child may want to know about sex, the Advocates For Youth website has also listed examples of questions from preschoolers, preteens, and teenagers to give you an idea of what to cover.
By recognizing Let’s Talk Month, you will not only share your knowledge about sexuality with your child, but you may learn something too. Information makes all the difference.
To learn more,
click here.

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